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HomeAdvocacy Program

Advocacy Program and committee

Chair: Maryann Kenney

Program Goal: to closely coordinate with state and national activities so that we may speak with the power of one voice. 

Committee Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Monitor legislation - trained volunteers track legislation as it moves through the AZ legislature. We analyze, respond and provide talking points based on informed research and approved LWV policy positions.
  • Issue calls to action – inform our members of important active legislation and encourage them to take a position via the AZ Legislature Request to Speak System
  • Lobby – using trained volunteers and paid lobbyists we advocate for our policy positions
  • People Powered Fair Maps – statewide effort to engage and inform voters, and monitor the progress of the AZ Independent Redistricting Commission.

Opportunities for participation:

Guide to our policy positions:  

Sign up for the state advocacy newsletter here:

All activities are run by volunteers in our communities. We welcome your participation. Contact us at if you would like further assistance getting started.