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HomeVoter Education

Voter Education Program and Committee


Chair: Robin Low


Program Goal: to educate and activate League members and the public to inform others and take action. A secondary goal is to inspire people to join the League.


Mission: develop and deliver four to six voter education programs a year throughout the Greater Verde Valley/Flagstaff area. Programs are free and open to members and the public. Programs currently are on Zoom due to Covid.


Committee Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Identify topics, speakers, and venues.
  • Create program publicity, including flyers and press releases.
  • Coordinate with speakers regarding presentation content, handouts, PowerPoints, etc.
  • Develop pre-program League announcements.
  • Attend programs and assist with room or Zoom setup on day of program.


Committee Meetings: Determined as needed.

Opportunities to Participate:

  •  Find out more and join the Voter Education Committee.
  •  Submit ideas for topics and speakers.
  •  Attend voter education programs.
  • .Contact us at to get more information!