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HomePolitical Book Club

The LWVNAZ Book Club was formed to provide an opportunity for members to meet and socialize with others who share their love of reading. The club reads and discusses politically-focused books chosen by members.

The facilitators for the Political Book Club (PBC) are LWVNAZ members Ann Holland and Gail Digate. They are responsible for gathering and distributing the book selections, facilitating the monthly book discussions, and keeping members up-to-date. Their email addresses are and

The only requirement to join the discussion is that each participant has read the book.

The standard format consists of each person giving a brief (1-2 minutes) statement concerning the book's overall impressions and implications. This segment is followed by group questions and discussions of the material.

Meeting via Zoom will continue until further notice. The book club is fortunate to have members participate from as far away as New York, New Jersey, Washington, and Colorado.

Go to Events to see the upcoming schedule, the selected books, and to register.

If you would like to join the book club, or want to submit the title of books you are interested in reading and discussing, or if you would like other information about the book club, please contact of